Junior Stamp Clubs in NSW
Orange Junior Stamp Club - meetings are held in the January and July school holidays.
Stamp Collecting Month Videos and Stamps
2021 - Australia Post, Full Steam Ahead
2020 - Australia Post, Wildlife Recovery
2019 - Australia Post, In the Garden
2018 - Australia Post, Reef Safari
2017 - Australia Post, Dragonflies
2016 - Australia Post, Endangered Wildlife
2015 - Australia Post, Our Solar System
2014 - Australia Post, Things that Sting
Australian Philatelic Associations & Federations
Philatelic Association of NSW, Inc. (Philas)- The home of Philately in NSW.
NSW Philatelic Development Council - aims to promote, develop and encourage philately in NSW.
Australian Philatelic Federation - to grow organised philately within Australia and provide international representation for that body of collectors.
Postal Authorities
Australia Post - check out all the new Australian stamps.
Australia Post, Stamp Bulletin archives.
Royal Mail - United Kingdom's stamps and philatelic products.
Canada Post - Collecting.
New Zealand Post - Stamps and related products of New Zealand.
New Zealand Post - About stamps, NZ stamp bulletins.
USA Postal Services - New Issues.
An Post (Ireland) - Collectors' Corner.
Stamp Collecting Websites
Stamp Active - a UK web site.
Smithsonian National Postal Museum - The Smithsonian's National Postal Museum is located in Washington, D.C. USA. The Museum occupies 100,000 square feet of the building with 35,000 square feet devoted to exhibition space. The Museum also houses a 6,000-square-foot research library, a stamp store and a museum shop.